Healthy Cooking Oils

When it comes to oils on the Trim Healthy Mama Eating Plan, remember this:
Not all oils are made equal!

It is vitally important that you get your oils right because there's a whole list of oils that can really disrupt your well being.  
First of all, it’s important to keep cooking oil smoke points in mind based on which type of cooking method you’re planning to use. Cooking oils with low smoke points can oxidize and break down under high heat, leading to the formation of harmful, disease-causing free radicals.
Therefore, when your recipe calls for frying, sautéing or roasting, it’s best to select a cooking oil with a high smoke point.
Meanwhile, healthy cooking oils with low smoke points can be used to top off cooked dishes or amp up the flavor of dips, spreads and dressings instead.

An easy way to remember this is to know which oils are good for cooking (in other words, heating up) and which are best used cold.  For cooking purposes, you don't want to use an unsaturated oil, but rather one that is naturally saturated. The natural saturation of the fats protects the oil from going rancid. Oils like Coconut Oil, Butter, and Red Palm Oil are good examples. Other on-plan oils like Avocado, Grape seed, Olive, Sesame, and Sunflower oil are best used when cold.

When choosing  an on-plan snack,  this needs to  be taken into consideration. An oil might  be on-plan, but should not be heated up. Remember that BAKED is always better than FRIED, because then your chip does not get submerged into an oil. Here is a handy reference  for which chips are on-plan:
Though this might seem like a small, unimportant detail, it does in fact make a big difference. Often times you may be eating on-plan but not seeing  results. If you tighten up in the smaller details, you may just start to see much better results!

Did this help you? I do hope you will start seeing the results you are after!
Remember, if you need help or guidance, feel free to reach out!



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