Delicious Vitamin D
Hello Lovely

Did you know that Vitamin D is SO GOOD for you?

Vitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone our bodies make.  
Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones.  

I'm from not-so-sunny Michigan, so I have to find all kinds of creative ways to get my vitamin D in. In the Wintertime, I have to supplement with vitamin D and I eat tuna, fatty fish, egg yolks, and spinach quite often to get some vitamin D into my diet. 

Fun fact!

Did you know that if you leave your mushrooms out in the sun for a few hours before cooking, they will soak up Vitamin D? 
If you cook them straight out of the fridge, they will have a Vitamin D count of 0.
But if you leave them out in the sun for a while that count can go up to 800 - 1000.

Mushrooms were not a favorite of mine, but when I heard about their benefits, I knew I needed to give them a try!  I started out with just a little in spaghetti sauce, omelets, on top of salads, and the veggie hack recipe (see below!)
I'm working my way to enjoying something I couldn't stand before.  

Take a look at these amazing benefits of mushrooms!

 Biking is my favorite thing to do this Summer and the timing of high gas prices has stepped up my biking to a whole new level. I ride my bike to do my errands and my favorite spot to bike is the farmer's market by the lake where they have fresh mushrooms. Can I just say the dose of vitamin D I get from riding in the sun, buying local mushrooms, and sunning them in my bike basket while listening to the Trim Healthy Mama poddy on the way home has brought me to a whole new level of feeling accomplished, joyful and healthy!   Yes, I tell my family all the time now, do you know I rode my bike to get this dinner?  It makes the food taste so much better!

I'm saving money on gas.
I'm soaking up the sun's rays.
I'm buying healthy, local fresh fruits and veggies.
I'm getting fresh air.
I'm taking in nature.
I'm getting exercise.
I'm spending time with my family (when they ride with me)
I'm learning from podcasts!

It's been a fantastic addition to my lifestyle and it's something I would highly recommend!

If you dislike mushrooms, here is a mushroom hack recipe and video for you:

Do you like mushrooms? How do you use them in your cooking? I do hope you find this information helpful!

Remember to sun your mushrooms before cooking!

Do you have any questions or need help on your THM journey?
Please feel free to reach out and contact me. 

I'd love to help you become the very best version of yourself!



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