Exfoliating your face
Do you exfoliate your skin?

This step is super important for anti-aging and healthy skin.

I have the perfect mask that is gentle on the skin, refreshing to the senses, and essential to a healthy skin care routine. 
Skin Polish is a scrub and mask that smooths, hydrates, and balances out your skin.

This lemony fresh, nutrient-rich mask and scrub hydrates, balances, and reduces inflammation. Natural Jojoba Beads roll away impurities, as well as dead and dehydrated skin, so oils from Olives, Lemon, and Cypress can restore and protect your skin. 
Use regularly to balance your skin and unearth a youthful glow.

🍋Deep cleans
🍋Clears clogged pores
🍋Exfoliates dry skin cells
🍋Hydrates and balances
🍋Reduces inflammation 
🍋Regenerates skin cells
🍋Jojoba beads slough off dead skin cells
🍋 Reduces fine lines and wrinklesSkin Polish video

TIP: Put this mask on and get busy with your chores. Wearing this mask while doing laundry, sweeping the floors, etc. is an awesome multi-task technique to get stuff done and take care of you.

If you are interested in learning more about this, and finding the right face cleanser to use first, you can take my skin care quiz below, so we can find the perfect formula to address your needs.

If you would like to learn more about taking care of your skin, you can follow my Facebook Beauty page here:

I have created a Fountain of Youth Skin Care Course that addresses 40 different topics on taking care of your skin.  You can find it here:



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