Are you utilizing the avocado in your health journey?
Here is why you should:
 Avocado has protein, fat, carbs and fiber.Avocado has a little protein on top of the fat, so it can be used as part of your protein source in a meal, but I suggest adding a meat protein and/or  protein supplement to your meal with avocado, so you're getting around 25 grams of protein.

How much avocado is suggested in a meal on the THM plan?
  If you're in weight loss mode, it's recommended to eat 1/2 avocado in a meal because it's higher in calories due to the fat. It's kind of like nuts, which are suggested to limit if you're trying to lose weight.   But if avocado is your only fat and protein source, it's ok to do a whole avocado here occasionally.
Avocados are a wonderful immune system builder, antioxidant, great for your eyesight and have 7 grams of fiber in half of one.

Avocados pair so well with eggs in the morning or even on your toast for a healthy crossover meal.  

Avocados are great on your salads!
Rhonda’s ranch, fresh cilantro, spritz of lemon and avocado 🥑 
I make venison burger each week for easy meals. I added some frozen cauliflower rice and a tomato for a hot salad and topped with guacamole 🥑 
Tuna lettuce boats topped with avocado.

What if you really don't like avocado, but want the anti-inflammatory benefits from eating them?
Use Avocado OIL!
Zero taste, and still has all the health benefits!
Use 1 TBSP (15g fat) in an S setting or 1 tsp (5g fat) in an E/FP setting.

How do I get the best tasting oil and protective benefits?
Buy organic if at all possible.
Select avocado oils in dark bottles (this protects the oil from light - key for protecting those wonderful health properties!)
Use raw or at lower temps to get all the goodness that avocado oil has to offer.
Guess what? 
You can add avocado oil to your shakes to get
all the healthy omega 3 fats, anti-inflammatory benefits, and it has zero taste!
You can also buy frozen avocados to add to your shakes.

Do you have a baby?
 Avocados are the best first food to introduce to your baby! 
  Think about how easy it is to bring an avocado and a baby spoon anywhere to feed your baby quickly without mashing it up or making a mess.

Have you tried avocado in pudding?
Avocados are so creamy and smooth and make wonderful puddings and even ice cream. 
Try the Trimmy Choco Pudding using avocado in the Trim Healthy Table , page 439.

Avocado is the Superfood Spotlight of poddy 71 at the 46 minute mark.

If you like information in this format, you would benefit from my Veggie Boost course!This course is available anytime, but comes with free accountability starting June 1st!  You will learn about 34 vegetables, one a day!

Avocados are amazing for skin health!
My Fountain of Youth course walks you through foods that make your skin vibrant, glowing and heathy!  This course is available anytime, but it comes with self-care accountability and "The Empowered Wife" study starting June 1st.  
Join me for 40 days of transformation!

Hydrated and glowing is for everyone, 


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