Snack Attack!

Snack Attack!
Hello, Lovely!

Today we're talking about SNACKS!

Life gets busy and sometimes, you need to grab a snack while you're on the go.
But don't you hate it when you get to that dreaded snack aisle and you don't know what you can or can't have? It might feel like there are no options that are on-plan, but do not fear because I HAVE THE SOLUTION!

Remember that when you are choosing a snack, look for something with natural ingredients, zero added sugar, low carb, and high protein. It may sound overwhelming, but take a look at all the snack choices that are THM-approved and on-plan!

Here are some of my favorites:

Feeling for something Crunchy?
If you're a girl who loves her crunch, look no further than these delicious treats:

Lesser Evil Popcorn
Tostitos Baked Scoops
Peeled Snacks Apple
Parm Crisps Original
Parm Crisps Cheddar
Unique Snacks Sprouted Splits
Keto Nut Granola
I have a very insightful blog about on-plan chips, too! There you'll find even more crunchy options for your on-the-go snack needs. You can read it here:

What about something sweet?
There's always an on-plan alternative... even if you have a sweet tooth!

Jojo's Guilt-Free Chocolate
Bombs Blueberry Macadamia
Highkey Mini Cookies
What about something salty?
If you're in the mood for something salty and meaty, here are some delicious options for you to try.

Country Archer Original
Country Archer Beef Jerky
Tillamook Smoked Sausages
Chomps Beef Sticks
Don't forget to hydrate!
Water is always the best choice when you're thirsty, but if you're craving something with flavor or bubbles, give these a try:

Bai CocoFusion
Body Armor Lyte
Virgil's Zero Sugar Root Beer
Zevia Zero Calorie Soda

Hmm, but I'd really like some bars...
You didn't think I'd forget about bars, did you? I have a whole blog about bars alone! You can check it out here:

So what do you think?
Do you still feel overwhelmed? Do you still feel like there are little-to-no options for you out there? Or do you feel like you can now confidently stride down that snack aisle and make an informed decision?

Remember, at THM we don't live in lack and we don't cut out any food groups! But we DO make smart food decisions that are healthy and nourishing to our bodies!

My hope for you is that you keep on flourishing and thriving in your life... and make wise snack choices along the way!


All the BEST BARS!

All the BEST BARS!
Hello, Lovely!

The key to staying on plan is to be prepared!
We know we have those days where we don’t have time to prep, so here are some on-plan bars that will help you when you’re on the go.

On Plan Bars:
Click on the picture for a link to shop

Epic Bars
The varieties with 2 grams of sugar or less would work on plan. The varieties that use dried fruit would be a personal choice. The other varieties with sugar-/brown sugar would not be encouraged.

THM Personal Choice Bars:

Think! Keto bars:
There are many Think! Keto bars, but do you see the black Keto box on the left? That is what you're looking for and these pictures, the rest are off plan.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough
Chocolate Mousse Pie
On Plan
On Plan
Personal Choice

Even though we make allowances for some protein bars (such as Quest, Kirkland, Paleo Protein or B-Up bars) as "personal choice" items that can be used when you're in that occasional pinch, the only truly “on plan” protein bars are the THM brand ones due to all others having fillers and fibers that aren’t ideal.

Some of these bars contain "prebiotic fiber" (sometimes just called "dietary fiber," "isomalto-oligosaccharides," soluble corn fiber, or "IMO"). This ingredient can be made from many things, including corn, wheat, and tapioca starch. Because blood sugar reaction to this ingredient varies significantly from person to person, it can be a hindrance to weight loss for some.

Always look for options that include whey protein isolate (or any other allergen-approved protein powder) and on plan sweeteners when reading labels. We encourage you to read ingredient labels often as products frequently change their recipe/formula.
Also, keep in mind that many of these products no longer fall into the FP range.

If you have the THM membership, here is a recipe: 

 Praline Protein Bars 

These Bars are an FP from the THM cookbook on page 391

There you have it, lovelies! 
With so many bars to choose from, and with a little bit of planning, you can make sure to always have an on plan bar handy for those crazy days!

Do you have any more questions? Please reach out! I'd love to help you on your THM journey!


Don't sp"OIL" your progress!

Hello, Lovely!

Did you know that Healthy Fats are a huge part of the Trim Healthy Mama plan?

It might seem like an inconsequential thing, but it makes a huge difference! Using the wrong oils in your diet can really spoil your progress on the Trim Healthy Mama Plan. That's why I recommend stocking your kitchen with on-plan oils.

Take a look at the ON PLAN oils and their benefits:

If you can't stand the taste of coconut oil, there are brands that hide the taste like Louanna.  If you're looking for the purist form of coconut oil, organic, virgin, unrefined and cold-pressed are best.

MCT Oil is like Coconut Oil but on steroids because it is known to fire up your metabolism and protects your brain from Alzheimer's!  

There are different uses for oils, both cooking and non-cooking:

There are also oils that are NOT on-plan:
These should be avoided because of the damaging effects it can have on our bodies.

There you have it! Everything you need to know about healthy, on-plan oils!

Did you know that these oils have so many benefits?
Which one of these oils piqued your interest? I'd love to know!

Happy Cooking!!


Energizing E-Bikes!

Energizing E-Bikes!
Hello, Lovely!

Summer was the BEST because...

We bought e-bikes for Mother's Day and Father's day.  I've always wanted a newer bike. We live on a lovely bike trail which I've been riding on for nine years and really enjoy it. We have a whole bike garage filled with garage sale bikes and half-broken bikes. My bike was 20 years old, so I decided to go bike shopping. I tried out three bikes at a bike store and decided that I would give the electronic assist bike a try and really liked it.

I have only missed four days of riding in four months because I love my bike so much. My favorite ride is 30 miles on the bike trail through two ponds and around two beautiful Michigan lakes.  

The benefits of riding:
Fresh air
Taking in God's creation
Time to relax my mind and pray
Listening to podcasts to grow in my Faith and Health
Toned legs

What is an e-bike?
A bike that assists the rider's pedal power which makes your ride longer and much more enjoyable. You can tackle hills with confidence! You can enjoy a longer rider and go further. There are levels of assistance, so you pick how much the e-bike will assist you.  Yes, you're pedaling the whole time... It's just much more pleasurable.

What e-bikes would I recommend?
My bike is a Como Specialized
Find the link on the button below!

My husband and three sons have the Tero Specialized e-bike:

Have I experienced any downsides?
The downside of an e-bike from a year's experience and over 3,100 miles and 192 hours on a bike:

1. Bike parts are not always in stock 
2. Two flat tires

I ended up getting puncture-proof tubes and tires with more of a grip, so I have more control. This was a game changer!

How long does the e-bike last on battery?
This depends on how much you weigh, your speed, and how much assistance you use on the bike.
We can go 30 miles on a full charge with full assistance.

What happens when you run out of battery?
You pedal like a normal bike, but it's even harder than a normal bike, so be prepared to get a major workout and it will remind you how much you love your e-bike!

What extra things did I need to make bike riding more enjoyable?

A water bottle holder
A basket to hold my groceries
A kickstand is a must for me!
(Mine came with one, but the boy's bike did not)
Bike shorts

Here is a link to the bike shorts I have:

One of my favorite things to do is to ride my bike to the Farmer's Market to get fresh fruits and veggies! I have a whole blog about that here.

What do I do for my arms?
 I don't want to leave my arms out eight months of the year while I'm riding my bike for exercise, so I have found my FAVORITE youtube workout videos to do around 15 minutes in the morning.  I love them because they are choreographed to my favorite Christian songs, have a verse and the lady is dressed modestly, which is important to me when I have four guys in the house with me.  I encourage you to check her out here.  I love her playlists of workouts that are 3-6 minutes long and choregraphed to Christian music.

There you have it! This is all the information you need to get out there and get pedaling!

Remember, diet and exercise are two of the most important pillars of a healthy life. I honestly believe that you should find an exercise that YOU ENJOY, and focus on that!

For help with your diet, please take a look at my Firm Foundation! In this course, we will learn about the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle. This lifestyle is not a diet or a fad, but a set of principles to live by that will give you energy, and vitality and take you from just surviving to THRIVING!

Happy cycling!!!


Appetizing Apps

Appetizing Apps
Hello, Lovely!

You've heard me say many times before, I'm here to help you succeed on your THM journey!

A key to staying faithful is accountability and tracking your meals and the time you ate them.

Here are two apps for meal tracking, accountability, progress tracking, and food pics:

THM Journey App

The THM Journey App is available to track your meals and you can see what other people are eating on their journey. My favorite part is you can choose your meal type, so you can document how many S, E, FP and XO meals you're eating.
 You can download the Journey App for one low, lifetime price, follow others in similar circumstances, post meals for accountability, and track your progress.  You can follow me at Faith, Hope & Charity. Here is a screenshot of how my profile on my app looks:

As you can see you can track your progress, set your goals, keep a selfie journal and track your progress through comparison shots. 

 You can download it for Android or Apple and the cost is $7.99

If you're in my coaching program, I encourage the THM Journey app over the Ate App because it's the one I use, but I still wanted to let you know of the one I used before THM came out with theirs.
The Ate App:

The Ate App is really great because it shows the timestamp of when you ate.

This app used to be free, but I am pretty sure there is now a charge to download it on Apple and Android.

Using an App to track my meals, goals, and achievements has been life-changing!
It really is the key to helping you be successful on your journey. I hope you will consider getting it!

Have you heard about my Firm Foundation Course? We do a book study on the THM Plan Book and I am available to help and answer your questions every step of the way! Check it out here:

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. 
Remember, I am here to help.


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