Brightening, Tightening and Lightening

Brightening, Tightening and Lightening
Let me introduce you to my favorite serum that is anti-aging, and is amazing at lightening, tightening and brightening your skin!
Mushroom is the star in this botox in a bottle.  I preach eating mushrooms for all their benefits and skin is one of the organs it repairs!  My skin has been transformed by eating mushrooms and moisturizing my skin with it!
If you would like to learn more about transforming your health with mushrooms, I have created a 31-day Veggie course that goes into detail about mushrooms and recipes to prepare them here.

Do you want to transform your skin?
I love to pair my Sotox with Pomifera Oil.    This duo produces AMAZING results!
 Let's look at why.
If you would like to learn more about Pomifera oil, visit my blog here:

Lastly, let's show you a video on how to use it.

If you would like to learn more about how I transformed my skin, please reach out to me.
I'm here to help you live your best life and be confidant in your skin.

Mosquito, Tick and Bug Spray

Mosquito, Tick and Bug Spray
Summertime is fabulous, but I think we can all agree that we don't care for the bugs, mosquitoes and ticks that come along with it.  
Have you ever thought about what you're using to ward off the pesky mosquitoes and bugs? 
 Traditional bug sprays like DEET
 is absorbed quickly through the skin and is linked to 
skin blisters, dry skin, seizures, memory loss, headaches, stiffness in the joints, shortness of breath, skin irritation and the list goes on.  These type of chemical-laden products smell horrible and don't even work most of the time.

You want to avoid:

Let's take a look at the health conditions! This is why this is important!

I have great news for you on how to help using essential oils that naturally repel the insects.How can lemongrass help?  I think lemongrass is my favorite smell and it is even more appealing to me seeing all the benefits it has besides keeping the bugs away!

I have made my own repellant out of essential oils, 
but I want to introduce you to two products that I absolutely love because

it smells heavenly and like lemon🍋
it repels mosquitoes and ticks🦟
it hydrates the skin 💦
it cleanses, softens and invigorates skin
it relaxes and awakens my senses
and I can use it daily as part of routine instead of just when I'm outside

First, I start with my favorite shower gel.This contains white tea essential oil. What else does white tea do for your body?
After the shower, I follow up with the best Summer lotion because it smells wonderful, it will help keep anything from sucking the life out of me and it makes my skin soft and hydrated.
So which one do you prefer?  This or that?
I hope you realize how important it is to keep the chemicals off your body!

You can find the Raining Zen Collection here:


Lovely Leafy Greens

Lovely Leafy Greens

We've all heard about how important "Leafy Greens" are, but do you know WHY they are so healthy and vital in your diet? Let's take a look at some of the more popular leafy greens and learn about what makes them SO GREAT!

First, let's start with Spinach:

Now, let's learn about Kale:

And lastly, Romaine Lettuce:

Leafy greens are SO GOOD FOR YOU! You should aim to eat one salad a day!
But remember, the salad dressing you choose is really important. You don't want to undo all the good of the greens by choosing an off-plan dressing.
You can read more about salad dressing in this blog

Another great thing about leafy greens is that they are not only good for salads. You can add them to your breakfast, smoothies, and many more recipes!

If you'd like to learn more about LEAFY GREENS (and even more veggies) why not take my Vegetable Course? It's a 31-Day Course that teaches about 31 different veggies and all the amazing benefits they have!

You can check it out here:



Let's talk about Gentle Lentils!

Lentils are edible seeds from the legume plant that come in a variety of colors and are packed full of nutrition and are gentle on the blood sugar.  Each variety has a different cooking time due to the difference in the hard or soft shells.  They are great in soups, salads or even in dishes like the meatloaf below.
Lentils are an E fuel source on the TH plan, and you can eat up to one cup and keep your blood sugar stable.  Lentils are considered a plant protein, but I also like to add another lean protein source with them like collagen.

Let's look at the amazing health benefits!

My absolute favorite recipe using lentils is Rashida's Man Worthy Lentil Loaf from Trim Healthy Future page 162 .  I'm a real superfoody girl and love to pick recipes with the highest amount of superfoods and this is one of those.  The ketchup Tangy Tom topping is so delicious and flavorful to me , and I enjoy the texture of the meatloaf more than regular meatloaf.  I also love the idea of eating a meatless meal sometimes and this does that with the protein coming from the plant-based lentils and collagen in the recipe. There are secret high-fiber veggies, fiber and ultra-lean protein along with my favorite superfoods.   My four guys do not like the idea of meatless meals at all, so I have figured out the perfect solution to this and that is I make the 9X13 dish for myself and I freeze individual portions for a quick lunch.  

Rashida's Man Worthy Lentil Loaf 
Trim Healthy Future page 162 
I had to use Green Lentils in this instead of brown.  This is how pretty it is before the topping.  Yes, the brown lentils work best, but I've done it both ways.I love the tangy homemade ketchup on the top. I think doubling the topping would  be best for myself because it makes the dish!
Green Lentil Meatloaf
I cut into individual servings and wrap in parchment paper and freeze them for quick meals.Here are some quick lunch ideas using the freezer meatloaf:
E lunch of Lentil Meatloaf, red peppers, GGMS sipper and 
homemade kefir strawberry smoothie.Brown Lentil Meatloaf with salad and one wasa cracker and Fuel Pull Salad Dressing.
Brown Lentil Meatloaf, watermelon and salad with a fuel pull THM ranch.

When I cook my lentils, I double the batch to save time and make a couple of lentil recipes at a time to freeze. I like to make soup with the leftover lentils.  

Hearty Lentil, Chicken Sausage, and Spinach Soup
Trim Healthy Table page 85
Lentils are budget-friendly, tummy-filling and soul-warming!
Let's make it together!
If you're interested in using red lentils and healing your body through using Moroccan spices that act like medicine to help your brain, heart, liver, kidneys, skin and protect your DNA, then I highly recommend Serene's Moroccan Trade Winds Trimmy Bisque on page 191 of Trim Healthy Table.

There you have it!
Are you ready to supplement Gentle Lentils into your diet and reap the benefits of stabilized blood sugar and healing your body one meal at a time?

If you enjoyed this blog, you can check out more health-related topics, just like this, in my blog section on my website!  Also, I am always here to help you learn more about healing your body through foods.  You can find out more here:



What is Kefir?
  It's a fermented milk drink that is a little tangy.
 It's like a drinkable yogurt.
It's an amazing probiotic that works on your gut health.
It's a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Kefir has been around forever and was used as a way to preserve milk before there was refrigeration.  The good bacteria helps kill any bad bacteria in the milk and eats up all the milk sugars making it have high qualities of good bacteria.  
Kefir does the same thing to your gut, so kefir is your answer to any gut issues you may have!

What are the benefits of Kefir?Kefir is full of tryptophan, which is why it helps you sleep better!  Kefir also helps with anxiety because serotonin is made in the gut and sent to the brain.  Kefir heals the gut, so your serotonin levels will also balance.

Another favorite of kefir is the skin benefits! Let's look at those!

Where do I get kefir?
You can purchase unsweetened, plain kefir from the store.  Our store carries the Lifeway brand.  It looks like this:

As you can see, store-bought is an E or XO on the TH plan.  It's better to have store-bought kefir than not have kefir at all in your diet, but I highly encourage making your own kefir because it has 50 microbe strains versus the 3-4 in store-bought kefir.  The homemade is way more nourishing and a whole lot tastier!
  Really, there is no comparison between the two.

I have good news, making your own kefir is cheaper and not hard or time consuming!

What do you need?
You will also need glass jars, lids, a small holed strainer and a wooden spoon.

Let's unbox my very healthy kefir grains from Cultured Food Life.

Kefir grains look kind of like cottage cheese.

The most complicated part of making homemade kefir is deciding what kind of milk you want to use.  First, you don't need to buy organic milk, as the grains will eat all the milk sugar and anything bad up.  In the videos above, when I first got my grains, I used whole milk or fresh milk directly from the farmer and that would be an S kefir, but now I buy 1% milk to make a Fuel Pull kefir, so I can chose a Fuel Pull, E or S kefir shake on TH plan.

Why Double Ferment?
Double fermenting  increases the nutrients and breaks carbs down even further and turns the kefir milk into a  FP.
Once it separates into curds and whey, it's a FP and all the lactose is eaten up.
Second-fermented kefir will have more nutrients and the vitamins will skyrocket and make it so much more superfoody!  This happens due to the prebiotics in the added fruits. When you add a new fuel source for the microbes in kefir, they begin to grow and multiply, which increases all the vitamins, especially the B vitamins. The taste is even better because it takes away the sourness and mellows out the flavors.

Here is the up-to-date video of how I make my kefir now to save myself even more time!

Would you like to learn anything else?
Take a look at some of my courses I have to offer.
Just click on the picture for more information.Kefir grains really grow fast and you can end up with an abundance, so I love to share my grains with my ladies who sign up with coaching with me!  Just ask me!

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