My "Soul-Full" Sauna

My "Soul-Full" Sauna

I've had a sauna for a few years and sat in it inconsistently.

After doing some research last summer, I decided to sit in it consistently for 30-40 minutes at least five days a week.

 This consistency is where I saw benefits!!

 Just like with anything else, you don't see a noticeable difference until you are consistent.


I wanted to start because I never sweat, even when I worked out! When I started sitting in the sauna, it took a long time for me to drip, but being in there each day started getting me closer to having open drainage pathways leading to faster sweat and more dripping which was a great victory to me!

I also noticed a considerable difference in the skin on my body. It was clearer and more hydrated. My favorite part was a clearer and calmer mind, but I believe that was also because I used my sauna as my war room to fight my battles.

Here are some ideas for things you can do while you're in the sauna:


Take a look at these other great benefits from consistent time in the sauna:

I preheat my sauna, so it's hot when I get in there already. This saves me time from sitting in there for too long.
It takes me around 30 minutes to sweat and the goal is to be dripping and releasing those toxins. You will need to take a shower to get those toxins you just excreted off your body.
My life has changed for the better, and I believe it’s because I took the time to release the “bad” through sweat and replace it with the good I found in God’s word.

You can watch my sauna video here: 

Taking care of my body, mind, and spirit has been so beneficial to me, and I hope it will do the same for you.

Have you tried a sauna before?

With Love,

The Importance of Water

The Importance of Water

Good Morning, Sunshine!
Water was the very first thing I implemented on my health journey.  I started drinking half my ounces of weight in water every day.    I’m going to share with you the second change I made 16 years ago that was a part of my water intake that I think had a really massive impact, even though it was pretty simple.  It includes three very powerful ingredients and very little time. 

Good Morning video

 I encourage you to do it over and over and over again first thing in the morning until it becomes your daily habit.  
This is called the Morning Detox Drink.

You can make this to your taste, start off slow and work your way up to what you can handle. 

 You can boil water or just use warm water, fresh lemon, or use bottled lemon.   

Here is the brand I use when I don’t have fresh lemons:

The lemon juice washes out toxins in the body, while the cayenne stimulates the circulatory system and helps regulate your blood sugar. 

This sunshine in a mug also has these amazing benefits:

Lemon is also great to put in your water throughout the day.

Sound too good to be true? Try it for yourself and see the difference in your day!

Here is a testimony on adding water to your daily routine:

With Love,


Hello Lovely!

Do you take time to reflect on the year and set goals for the upcoming year?

These past couple of weeks, I’ve spent time reflecting on 2021.  I know the last couple of years have been quite possibly the hardest years of your life and you may feel you have nothing good to reflect on, but I encourage you to think about the positives and negatives and ask yourself what you could do to make next year better.  

Here is a chart to reflect on:

2021 had a lot of hard things, but I have to say I came out stronger and I experienced personal growth.  I would like to share that my biggest area of growth came in my war room which is my sauna.  I committed to heart, mind, and soul work in the most vulnerable way and it has completely changed me.  This took the highest priority on my 2021 list, and so I will be coming out in 2022 as you’ve never seen before.   My prayer was that, as I sat in the hot sauna, that I would sweat out and detox the bad and ugly and replace it with power from God’s word, replace the old toxins with pure thoughts from devotions and replenish and restore with praying.  These 30-40 minutes a day were life-changing for my attitude, and I started hearing the Holy Spirit nudge me in all the things I should be doing.

These are the devotional books I read in 2021

Have you ever written a New Year’s Resolution and actually stuck to it??

Maybe you have failed so many times in this area that you gave up. Maybe you just ended the worst year of your life and you can’t pick your head up to even think about positives for the next year, but I encourage you to find good things and write them down in the previous year to get your heart ready for a positive.  

Let’s go in faith together believing that you WILL and CAN have a year of positive growth!

If you want to change things, you need to be ready for a challenge!  Let me share some ideas that I have been practicing and tweaking for the past 25 years.  Remember, the Lord has laid it on my heart that I will not be hiding any longer all that He has taught me in the past through good and bad times.


I’ve kept the same goal for almost ten years!!  Can you guess what it is?  HEALTH!

My biggest goal has been staying healthy, not only for me but for my family.  This goal has been kept year after year because nine years ago, I found the most sustainable, healing, whole foods, four food groups, treats, and sweets eating plan that has totally blessed my life.  You can find out more here

WEALTH is the other goal that I started 25 years ago when I started my adult life.  HEALTH is WEALTH!  

I encourage you to rise up and take a stand in these three areas above.  Personal Development, Health, and Wealth.  

I have always written down my net worth at the end of the year 

and set goals for the following year, then I made a plan using excel sheets, to pave the road to reach my goals. 
 Writing down your goals, making the plan to get there, and then putting it visible so you can track your progress is key to making your dreams come true.

I’m here to answer your questions and be your biggest cheerleader!


Matthew 21: 22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

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